
(översättning från tyska till engelska i orange):

• Isaksson, M & Wolf-Arehult, M (2020). Introduktion till den svenska utgåvan i RO-DBT terapeutinstruktioner av Tom Lynch. Natur och Kultur: Stockholm.

Wolf-Arehult M (2019) Radically open DBT – ny behandling för psykisk ohälsa som kopplas samman med en överkontrollerad personlighetsstil. Psykologtidningen.

• Isaksson M, Ghaderi A, Wolf-Arehult M & Ramklint M (2018) Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Ego Resilience scale (ER) and a new shortened version of the Ego Undercontrol scale (EUC).

• Hempel RJ, Booth R, Giblin A, Hamilton L, Hoch A, Portner J, Rushbrook SC, Simic M, Hunt K, Tomcik N & Wolf-Arehult M (2018). The Implementation of RO DBT in Clinical Practice. The Behavior Therapist, Special issue, 41, 161-173.

• Brück C, Derstroff S, Jacob H, Wolf-Arehult M, Wekenmann S & Wildgruber D (2016) Perception of Verbal and Nonverbal Emotional Signals in Women With Borderline Personality Disorder: Evidence of a Negative Bias and an Increased Reliance on Nonverbal Cues. J Pers Disord.; 11; 1-11.

Wolf-Arehult M (2016) Lovande resultat med intensiv DBT i öppenvård för borderlinepatienter. Psykologtidningen, 3, 28-31.

Wolf-Arehult M & Beckmann C (2012) Manual einer Achtsamkeitsgruppe: 14 Sitzungen. Kohlhammer Verlag: Stuttgart. (14 sessions of mindfulness training in group: A treatment manual)

• Bohus M & Wolf M (2011) Achtsamkeit. Schritte zur seelischen Gesundheit. 2 Audio-CDs. Schattauer GmbH: Stuttgart. (Mindfulness. Steps to mental health)


Wolf M, Ebner-Priemer U, Schramm E, Domsalla M, Hautzinger M & Bohus M (2011) Maximizing skills acquisition in dialectical behavioral therapy with a CD-ROM-based self-help program: results from a pilot study. Psychopathology, 44, 133-135.

Wolf M & Gratwohl T (2011) Skillstraining. In M. Linden & M. Hautzinger (Eds.). Verhaltenstherapiemanual. (Behaviour therapy manual). Springer Medizin Verlag: Heidelberg. (Chapter “Skillstraining” in Manual of Behavior therapy)

• Bohus M & Wolf M (2009) Interaktives SkillsTraining für Borderline-Patienten. Manual zur CD-Rom für die therapeutische Arbeit. Schattauer GmbH: Stuttgart. (Skillstraining for Borderline patients. Manual to the CD for therapeutic work)

• Bohus M & Wolf M (2009) Interaktives SkillsTraining für Borderline-Patienten. Die CD-ROM für Betroffene. Schattauer GmbH: Stuttgart. (Skillstraining for Borderline patients. CD for patients)

• Bohus M, Kleindienst N, Limberger MF, Stieglitz RD, Domsalla M, Chapman A, Steil R, Philipsen A & Wolf M (2009) The Short-Version of the Borderline Symptom List (BSL-23): Development and Initial Data on Psychometric Properties. Psychopathology, 42, 32-39.

Wolf M, Limberger MF, Kleindienst N, Stieglitz RD, Domsalla M, Philipsen A, Steil R & Bohus M (2009) Kurzversion der Borderline-Symptom-Liste (BSL-23): Entwicklung und Überprüfung der psychometrischen Eigenschaften. Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Medizinische Psychologie, 59, 321-324. (Shortversion of BSL-23: Development and Evaluation of Psychometric Properties)

• Öst LG, Stridh BM & Wolf M (1998) A clinical study of spider phobia: Prediction of outcome after self-help and therapist-directed treatments. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36, 17-35.